Fixing window condensation on vinyl windows


I have double pane gas filled vinyl windows that are approximately 10 years old that recently starting condensation around the edges of the glass. I've done some basic caulking around a few of the windows but it didn't' seem to help. Should I caulk around where the glass meets the frame? Any tips to prevent the condensation and (likely) drafts?

See pictures below (note condensation is on the exterior of the window not inside):

Best Answer

Condensation appears to be on the inside of the window.

After 10 years, the seals have failed. They are no longer "gas-filled" - they just have air in there, and the air in there has water in it, which condensed when they are cold. The only way to fix this is to replace the double-pane unit. It's remotely possible that if your window manufacturer was optimistic this MIGHT be a covered failure (they would pay for or supply the replacement panes under warranty), but it often is not.