Floor to ceiling bookshelf design: anything missing? okay to use MDF


Novice here. Building a book shelf along the full wall and floor-to-ceiling of my basement. Made up some plans, since I couldn't find any that really matched. Wondering a few things.

  1. Am I missing anything?
  2. Do I need any additional support (will attach to wall)
  3. I know MDF is looked down on, but am I "okay" to use it for the verticals like this? They seem SO Much easier with the pre-drilled holes…etc.
  4. Do I need the header 2x4s?

Notes: Was thinking the bottom would be 2x6s (treated, since on concrete), and the top would be 2x4s (not sure if needed, but figured I want something for the crown molding to go on.

Any thoughts/suggestions/insults welcome. Thanks! 🙂

enter image description here

Best Answer

Done! Ended up building the base and two verticals with treated 2x4s, and regular 2x4s for cross-support around the fireplace. Then sandwiched-in the verticals with MDF.

As you can see, I also used big L-brackets to support the long horizontals. Likely a bit overboard there, but I think they'll look okay once it's filled. Was hoping for a long, open spans aesthetic instead of putting extra verticals in.

The MDF looks nice for now. It does have little dings and nicks. Went with a rustic looking wood pattern, so it doesn't seem to affect the overall look. So far. We'll see how well it holds up over the years. It was certainly nice to work with, and saved a lot of painting. I think I'd use it again if I were to make another.

I haven't put the baseboard across the bottom yet. Haven't decided if I'm going to use the white baseboard that will be in the room, or more of this wood-looking mdf 3.5" pieces like the verticals.
