Flooring – Floor joists connection to eaves


Apologies if this is a duplicate.

I'm attempting to floor my loft space. It currently has 47mm x 75mm ceiling joists, not enough for a floor. I am going to add something like 47mm x 200mm along side each existing ceiling joist, resting on the existing brickwork.

I am not going to be sistering these together, the existing joists are old and already bowed. I may perhaps bracket them together in the centre span to avoid any more sag on the old joists. The old joists used to have vertical planks nailed to the rafters above to achieve this, but they have since degraded.

The problem I have is this: I have flush eaves, so the vertical space over the outer brick skin (at the eaves) is limited and certainly not enough to accommodate an 8 inch square joist end. Are there any specialist joist extension plates (steel) I can use to rest on the brickwork, or is it safe to cut a triangle off the end of the joist without affecting the shearing resistance?

Extremely crude drawing:
enter image description here

Update: I have followed this question on here:

How do I fit a joist in this small space?

Best Answer

This will impact your shear resistance, but it significantly depends on how much of the joist is cut away and how much is resting on the brick. If the roof is so steep that the entire width of the joist is supported several inches deep, it shouldn't have any impact at all. But if it's so shallow that the joist is only an inch or so wide over the support, then of course it will fail. Unfortunately I don't have the specifics on how much support you need (I'm not a structural engineer) but it wouldn't hurt to get the opinion of an expert on this.