Flooring – High floor transition height fix


Lower floor is tiled. Higher floor is plywood on some sleepers with laminate wood flooring on top. The difference in height is 1-3/4". I didn't take a picture but it's 3/4" furring strips as sleepers, 3/4" plywood subfloor and then laminate flooring on top with underlayment. The transition is at a doorway and the tile floor is right at the transition. The transition comes up at a 90 degree angle from the tile.

I was asked if I could help find a solution. Not much they could have really done to keep the height less I'm told.

Is there some product that can be purchased to handle this?

Otherwise I think building a small ramp out of 2x material and nailing some of the laminate on top is the only thing I can think of. Are there any requirements/best practices as far as slope? They'd like the ramp to be as short as possible while still resolving the trip hazard that's there.

Best Answer

Without seeing the floor, makes the question tougher to answer but that said, there are transition strips to compensate for differing height floors. There isn't a commercial one made that will accommodate that height difference but you may be able to buy one of these strips and double it using a layered technique.flooring transitions these strips reducer