Flooring – How to adhere vinyl sheeting to carpet


We foster puppies on a regular basis and in order to protect the carpet I am looking to cover a section of their room with vinyl sheet flooring where their pen is located. I thought about vinyl because it is inexpensive and waterproof.

I need to know how to adhere it to the carpet for an extended period of time (6 months) without damaging the carpet when it is removed. It needs to be fairly secure and I want to prevent the edges from curling up.

Any ideas on how best to adhere the vinyl? I am also open to other floor covering solutions.

Best Answer

I don't think there's a good answer to your question. What you want to do is ... poorly thought out.

Get a small section of vinyl and unroll it so that the edges extend beyond the edge of the pen. Let the pen hold it down. Anything more is not going to be good for the carpet.