Flooring – How to fix bumps in carpet that only appear when it’s warm and humid


We put all new carpeting in our church worship area in 2007. The church is on a floating slab and in the summer when the humdity comes, we get serious bumps in the carpet. Some can be as long as three feet while many are five to six inches. As the weather cools in the fall the bumps disappear. In the meantime we have bumps that are a threat for tripping our members as they move through the sanctuary. The carpetlayer used a glue that is suppose to make removal of the carpet "easier" when it comes time to remove.

How do we go about getting rid of these bumps? Is it feasible to shoot glue with a needle in the carpet and then try and roll the bump out?

Best Answer

You need a building campaign for A/C and the operating funds to run it.

To verify that as a solution, rent commercial water damage dehumidifiers for a few weeks, and see if you can reduce the bumps.

Something like MovinCool might do the trick.

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