Flooring – How to handle a thin strip of vinyl plank flooring against a wall


I am removing carpet and putting in vinyl plank flooring.

I have finished the living room and am moving onto the family room. These two rooms are connected through a passage and separated by a wall in between. I got to the point where I need to install flooring along the edge of the wall of the second room and I need a strip about 3/4" wide to keep the flow. I am not removing the baseboard, but I do plan on installing shoe molding once done.

  • Are there are risks with installing a 3/4" strip of flooring?
  • If so, how do I mitigate the risks without undoing everything that's done so far?

There is a gap between baseboard and floor and it's large enough in some areas to slide the flooring underneath, should I consider that?

Flooring picture

Best Answer

Most modern vinyl flooring locks together securely, and since you're putting down shoe I'd have no concerns--if the plank can't lift it can't come loose. I recently did my laundry room and had this same issue for part of a wall. It's not always possible to plan away such scenarios. My flooring has no problems.

Don't do anything hacky like larger moldings. That'll look lazy and amateurish. Just stick to the recipe and take care to get as good a bond as possible.