Flooring – How to repair a nick in vinyl floor


We had some recent work done on our house and it appears that one of the workers nicked the vinyl flooring in the kitchen — resulting in a circular gash about 3/4 inch wide. Here's a picture:

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Unfortunately the contract we had with them indemnify them against stuff like this so we'll need to repair it ourselves.

The good news is that we're eventually planning to replace the flooring (probably within the next year). In the meantime, I looking for a way to repair the damage and make it resistant to water.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

In answer to Mike's question about a repair kit, my first thought is to go to a local store that sells no-wax flooring. They would sell you a repair kit. Second thought is to look on Amazon, there I found a Vinyl flooring repair kit: that includes what you need for a color match. Apparently it cures when you apply heat, so I'd use my heat gun, but a hair dryer might work too. (I see that one online reviewer said it did not harden for them, but it sounds like they did not read the instructions about it needing heat to cure.)

The repair kit I had used for spot repair in the past was basically a tube of clear cement. You dabbed it on and it air cured. It was really designed to seal the seams between two pieces of flooring, but that was where I needed it.

If you are unsure about how to do something like this, a great idea is always to find a scrap to practice on. That local flooring store would surely have a scrap piece of flooring to play with, if you don't have one.