Flooring – How to repair the damage to this wood floor


We just moved into a new house, and the flooring in the entrance and kitchen is a little beat up. I am not sure if it is hardwood or laminate flooring.

There are some spare boards in the attic that are about 3/4" thick – they do not have a wood-looking layer on them, so I suspect they are not laminate. The spares are much lighter in color than the ones on the floor.

Here is a picture of the damage:
Floor Damage

This is from the entrance where there are some dings and chips. The floor in the kitchen has some of the shiny parts flaking off, but the wood itself doesn't appear to be damaged too much.

Is there a way to repair this type of damage? Is there something I can do to maintain and protect the non-damaged boards?

Like I said, I do have spares, but since I have no flooring experience I would probably have to hire someone to replace the damaged boards.

Best Answer

It doesnt look too bad. I think when you sand the floor will take care of 95% of it. The clipping may need to be filled in with a little wood filler.
If it was me.. A nice runner or area rug in the entry would look nice.