Flooring – Installing cushion vinyl over carpet


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I plan to put some cushion vinyl over my corridor carpet. I will be using proper cut sheets and not just off cuts as shown in the picture. Later on I will pull the carpet out from underneath the vinyl and glue it down.

I know this is not the most professional way but I need to do it now as the carpet is making me sick and I don’t have time to place boards then glue vinyl on right now. I know there will be bubbling in the meantime.

My questions are:

  1. if I cut the vinyl to shape while it is on the carpet, when I remove the carpet can I expect the vinyl to fit nicely or might a gap develop in which case how much extra sheet should I keep on the edges?

  2. In order to cut the vinyl to shape, if I place the carpet on top of the vinyl as a template then draw the shape and cut it out, can I get a good fit or will this not work, if so why?


Best Answer

You're right, not the best way to do this. The vinyl will shrink a bit when cut if not glued down so don't try to cut it to fit. I'd keep at least an inch so you can trim to fit as you already know how hard it is to trim it accurately.

Using the carpet as a template won't work either because carpet edges are never cut to fit exactly. Their edges are stuffed down between the walls and tack strips. I'd wait until you're ready for the final installation and then get some construction paper and make an exact template by laying out the paper in the hallway and taping it all together. then lay the template over your sheet vinyl and cut with a straight edge and utility knife.