Flooring – Older rental home with fake wood look floor- dull, how to shine/polish


We moved into a rented house last summer, it has "fake wood" floors – not sure of the brand or type, but the place was built about 20 years ago. We have 3 big dogs, and between their paws and other traffic, the floor just always looks dull. Some areas appear to have been damaged by water/flooding under past tenants. I have tried the vinegar in water, rubbing alcohol, etc. remedies and it still looks dull and filmed. Since it IS a rented house, I do not want to do anything that will either make the floor worse, nor do I have any intention of removing and replacing. I have read that you can't use products like "Mop'n'Glo" or "Future" on these, so what options do I have?

Best Answer

  • Use a liquid wax removing floor cleaner
  • rinse the floor completely clean with a mop
  • apply traditional liquid floor wax with an applicator or soft clean string mop

The floor will have a nice shine. This is how commercial floors in department stores look so nice and shiny. The drawback is that this has to be repeated every so often depending on traffic and abuse.