Flooring – Quick flooring for uneven floor


We're having an HVAC unit replaced. The unit has been removed and the contractor is coming back Monday to start installing the new unit. We'd like to do something about the terrible floor that is in that closet.

The existing floor is many layers of old, uneven, cracked tile. The topmost later is a vinyl sheet that covers most, but not all of the floor. What can we put over this that would be fast and easy?

Would vinyl sheet be resilient enough to smooth out some bumps? Is there something we can apply to the old floor to even it out some?

We don't need anything nice or pretty – just something a little more sanitary. We don't want to make this a major project, but would like to take the opportunity to make a small improvement.

Best Answer

IMO - It shouldn't be ridiculous to tear up any and all linoleum and tile with a good floor scraper down to the subfloor. Then a nice piece of plywood cut to fit and a bit of paint is a great way to go.

Otherwise, I'd mix up a batch of a Floor Leveling Compound, then a nice piece of linoleum (sometimes had for free as a drop from your local flooring depot).

I'm tend to lean on the "just tear it all out" kind of project, but a leveling compound will not only give you a level floor, it will definitely fill any gaps, crevices, etc.