Flooring – What type and thickness of glass to use for floor over stairs


We have created a new loft room and over the already built stairs, the covering over the deepest part of the stairs is a plywood covering. I would like to replace this with glass that will be tough and strong enough to stand on.

  • For this purpose should I use a special type of glass, if so which?
  • Also what would be the recommended thickness of glass to use? This will not be a regular thoroughfare just needs to take the weight of a person.
  • The last question is how should this be mounted, with glue/silicone/putty or screwed/bolted to a wooden frame?

Best Answer

Not sure where you want to put the glass. Landing? Tread? What span is it between studs? 16"? You are probably looking at a 3/4" laminated tempered glass. Your best bet would be to call your local glass shop. They will know what the best product at the best price would be.