Flooring – When stopping and starting a tile job, what to do with the extra thinset from previous row’s cleanup


When stopping and starting a tile job, you are left with the cleanup of the thinset that extends past the tiles that have been set. This thinset can be scraped up with a trowel, but leaves a light residue. Upon resuming the job, does this residue need to be vacuumed up with a brush and vacuum, wiped with a sponge, sprayed down with water, or can thinset just be placed directly on top of it?

Best Answer

I used a 3" scraper - nice flexible blade which left the minimum possible.

When continuing the next day, just de-dust and fresh stuff straight on works a treat and did that for small tiles, big floor tiles and a wood parquet...

I would also put guide lines on the wall or floor to show the "glue" limits per section to be worked on...