Frame Overhanging Slab by 3inches and not attached to support bolts


I'm using a contractor to build a brand new 2000sq foot home. There is one section on the house that looks suspect. The slab subs obviously overpoured, and it looks like it was compounded even more by the framers doing a shoddy job. There are two 5 foot sections that are not attached to the slab bolts (if that's what you call them), and the corner support strap is bent all up. Can anyone tell me if this is 'normal' or not? My builder said this is not uncommon and that it is secure and that 'all is well', but I'm a little apprehensive to just let this one go. My bank is going by for an inspection soon, so should I bring this up to them, or call in a 3rd party inspector? Any thoughts, please I'm open for suggestions. I'm adding some pictures here:

Image 1 - Corner from straight on

Image 2 - Corner from underneath

Image 3 - Corner from Side

Image 4 - Slab bolts cut off

Best Answer

That is not normal or acceptable workmanship. The correct response to a foundation that far out of specification is to require the foundation contractors to rip it out and try again, or not get paid. Clearly that point was missed.

The larger problem for you is that you are already entered into a contract with an incompetent, lying builder. I'd have your lawyer/solicitor review your options at this point according to the terms of your contract. I can't see a lot of hope for a happy outcome, unfortunately. And yes, call in inspectors, notify the bank, etc.