Fridge trips power


LG fridge works for a while + then trips. Checked, its not the power supply/plug. Electrician replaced 20A circuit breaker with 25A. Worked for 3 days then tripped again. Works when I use normal 2-core cable to plug in fridge i.e. unearthed. Don’t have LG agency or fridge experts in our small town. Can unearthed connection cause harm? What is the prob? THANKS

Best Answer

GET A NEW ELECTRICIAN! Not only is putting a 25a breaker in a code violation at least in the NEC it is probably a real issue. Things like defrost coils go bad think of your heating element on an electric stove this is similar to what may have failed . Increasing the breaker has increased the fire risk! I say this as a licensed Electrician that also has HVAC licenses. Track the cycle of tripping and contact an appliance repair person, some HVAC shops also do repair refrigerators but at a 3 day cycle this is most likely the problem and it will burn open in some cases then your fridge will start icing up or not cooling correctly. Don’t risk a fire get it fixed and get the 20 amp breaker back in place if it is the right size for the wire or possibly 15 amp.

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