Galvanized 5V Crimp roofing screw placement with battens/counterbattens


I am installing 5V crimp roofing over an addition to my small house. The additions's roof joins the house under a 14" eave. The main house slope is 5/12 or about 22.5 deg. The addition slope is 10 deg.

On the addition, the rafters are 16in o/c, and the roof deck is 7/16 OSB, with GAF synthetic felt.

My plan is to install 1×4 battens running up slope, and above that, run 2×4 counterbattens. The metal will screw to the counter battens using rubber-washer screws for this purpose. The metal is coming from Lowes and I do not know the manufacturer. However many manufacturers specify putting screws in the "peaks" and also , alternatively, putting them in the "flats" between the V's. There will be a vertical lap about 16" up from the bottom edge of the roof. Of course, I will order rake trim to run down the left and right edges.

The home is located in far north central Texas.


  1. Is this slope really too low for 5V Crimp?
  2. Is it better to install the screws in the "peaks" or the "flats"?

5v cross section
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Best Answer

I have decided to go in a different direction... I will be using standing seam metal from McElroy:

This offers a 1 3/4" high channel, and all hidden fasteners. I simply cannot believe that water will run over that high of a wall over 9 feet run, even in the most brutal rainstorm, and even with a 2-slope.

Snow is minimal here, we rarely get more than about an inch or so. Even then I can just get up on a ladder and sweep it (not getting on the slick wet roof of course!)

Thanks to everyone for their comments and guidance.