Garage door immediately reversing when trying to close


I have a Ryobi garage door opener. It's been working fine until recently when trying to close it. The opener will try to close when pressing the button but then immediately reverse back open. I don't believe the safety sensor is obstructed; when waving my hand through the sensor I can see the green LED turning off and on indicating it's getting blocked and unblocked. The safety sensor LED is normally on when not being obstructed, and it is on when trying to close the opener.

I've tried disconnecting the trolley from the opener bullet. While the trolley is disconnected:

  • With the door in the closed position, the opener bullet will close fully.
  • With the door in any open position, the opener bullet will immediately reverse back to open in the same manner as when the trolley is attached.

What else can I check?

Best Answer

Does the door move freely? If the sensor isn't obstructed, the other cause for reversal would typically be down force. If it takes too much force to close the door, it may think it's obstructed by something that's not blocking the sensor, and will reverse. The amount of force required to reverse is adjustable, but you shouldn't adjust it without understanding why it changed, as it is a safety issue if not adjusted properly (think crushing a pet or toddler). Please consult the instructions for your unit for proper adjustment.