Garage door needs a push or pull to start opening/closing


I have some 20+ year old garage door openers, and one works great, the other will sometimes open/close fine.

Sometimes when I hit the switch there is a click and a buzz like the motor is trying to lift, but the door does not move. If I hit the switch again it stops. If I go over to the door and pull it up about an inch (or pull it down, if it's open) the motor "catches" and it goes up/down just fine.

Is there a slack adjustment of some sort I can look at, or is the motor bad? I replaced the capacitor on the door that is not working about 6 months ago, and have replaced the springs and safety cables on both doors at about the same time.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Though they're 20+ years old, they didn't miss the plastic bug. It's likely that your drive sprocket on the one is worn down & begin to miss. However, a little more specific & much less involved to remedy to your symptoms would be to play with the up-force & down-force adjustments.

Usually, clockwise is to ramp up & counterclockwise is to ramp down. The openers develop flat spots on the clutch & screwing-in or clockwise reseats the contact points. If it works it'll work for years, I'm going on 5-years now with my current one & two others I had before got 8 & 10 more years before adjustments didn't work anymore.