Garage Door – How to Fix a Sticking Garage Door: WD-40 Temporary Solution


We live in a rental house built 1982 but need to fix some things around the place without involving the landlord … the garage door has started sticking. I got it to close using WD-40, but it's still sticky; had to give it another shot last night and 'rock back and forth' until it finally closed.

Do we need to change out the hinges and rollers? Or do you have any other suggestion for a not-complete overhaul?

I'm a software guy and was thrilled when I got the WD-40 fix to work … but it was a short-lived triumph. Thanks for any guidance whatsoever!

Best Answer

WD-40 is NOT a lubricant. In fact it will dissolve and wash away any lubricant that was there to begin with.

If you think the problem is lack of lubrication, white lithium grease or similar is a good choice. There is a WD-40 branded white lithium spray that is quite convenient but there are other brands as well.

As far as whether your hinges and rollers need to be replaced, well that depends on whether they are worn or not. What you have said doesn't really give much guidance as to their condition.