Gas Line? Vent Line attached to valve


So moved into house, has gas for furnace and dryer. It seems that this is a gas line for the range, what I do not understand is the smaller pipe leaving the valve and off behind the wall. could it close loop or just vent? Havent tried to pill out from wall, it is an exterior wall Brick home, does not protrude to the outside.
Has electric range, but if this is gas the new range will be gas.
Thanks in advanceenter image description here

Best Answer

The flare fitting seems to indicate that it is gas supply tubing that leads to an appliance of some sort. It must lead to a gas dryer, gas cooker, gas grill, gas water heater, or gas fireplace (or did at one time). The valve is OFF, so there should be no harm disconnecting the old line and using the line to supply whatever you want; obviously whatever it leads (or led) to is not in service.