Tree Cleanup – How to Get Rid of Thin Long Tree Branches After Cutting


My house has a large garden. There are some small trees on the left and right sides. These are not much taller than a human. They have a whole lot of thin long branches that are curved in random directions. Usually, these small trees have no leaves in them due to the climate. They are green for only a few months every year. So basically they are a most offending eye sore.

I took a saw and chopped off one of the small trees. Now I have a whole lot of small stems that are 1m or smaller. I have tried to cut them into smaller stems and fit them into a metal bucket. I tried to set them on fire but failed. I put in a lot of card board and set that to fire, it burnt and turned into ashes but the tree stems did not catch fire.

What is the correct way to get rid of these small tree stems? They will not fit into my car.

Best Answer

The green tree wood won't burn well until it has dried out more. Give it a month and then it should burn easily.

If you know the species of wood, for example, hardwoods or fruit trees like mulberry or apple or plum, consider using it as smoking material for your grill after it has had a few weeks to dry out.