GFCI Outlet wired to non GFCI. Can I switch


I have a GFCI outlet that is wired to another non GfCI outlet. So when either has a problem, they will trip off. My question. Can I reverse these outlets? Let's say the GFCI outlet is on my left and the non-GFCI outlet is on my right, can I switch them and put the non-GFCI outlet on my left and the GFCI outlet on my right?

Best Answer

The physical location of the two devices does not matter, it's just how the GFCI is wired. If you wire a GFCI one way, it'll protect every receptacle after it - if you wire it another, it'll only protect itself. If you simply want the GFCI to only protect itself, then just switch the wiring and leave it where it's at. However, if you'd like it to be in that new location and still only protect itself, then you can switch them and just wire it correctly.

GFCI Wiring

However, there could be a reason behind why the plain receptacle downstream is protected. If it's in a location that, by code, should be protected; then it should be protected. If you don't like them both flipping at the same time however, then you could flip the wiring as shown in the above image and get a second GFCI receptacle and wire it in where the plain receptacle is now.

Again though, like the comments mentioned, if it's supposed to be GFCI protected and you're constantly having them flip.. I'd recommend putting in a second GFCI.