GFI Tripping at same time every day,


I have a GFI Outlet in my kitchen. It trips faithfully, every morning at 6:05 AM. I have checked every outlet on the same line and nothing attaches to anything on a timer that may trigger it. When we set clocks back or ahead, it still trips at 6:05. Electricians haven’t figured it out. It is a source of amusement now. Any ideas what would do this ?

Best Answer

Sounds like a problem with the ground. Does it have power? If so its definitely a problem with the ground. How close is your ground rod to bedrock? Since bedrock is non conductive you could be getting an electron feedback, since the power has nowhere to go it just builds on the rod till it is strong enough to arc. #electronproblems #gotstobetheground #youhitmewithlightning