Greenish gray mold on wooden window frame


Does anyone know how to deal with greenish gray mold on the border of my window frame and the insulated glazing?

I've never had mold before and my house is 32 years old and very well insulated. The wood in the pictures is impregnated hardwood.

The mold is on all four sides but is thickest at the bottom and lower part of the sides:


My take:

  • Scrub away the solid parts (fungi)
  • Clean with diluted vinegar
  1. Would this be a good idea or could the spores have penetrated too deep into the wood?

  2. Will it need replacement? If no, if it gets worse is there a point of no return?

  3. Does anyone know what kind of mold this even is? I've never seem it before. It's pale green, completely different from the black mold that can grow in the bathroom or the deep green mold that grows on fruit.

Best Answer

You are probably getting this because of condensation buildup on the windows plus the wood to feed on at the bottom. Probably no way to totally stop the condensation but simply opening the windows once a week or wiping off the window area with a towel would probably help. Also turn on exhaust fans when taking warm showers or cooking a lot.

To clean just use soap or laundry detergent. Scrub it with a foam pad and a wire brush for wood parts. You will probably need to go through a couple buckets of water. Once everything it is off spray on bleach to the area and wipe off with a towel. Most of the time bleach will have little to no affect on wood unless it pools there but test on a small portion first if you want.

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