Ground Bus Bar on Sub Panel


I was working on a house with a sub panel for a shed/workshop. The sub panel was fed off the house main panel via 2pole 50A breaker. The sub was a load center type with no main breaker. The neutral bus bar of this sub had both the neutral and the ground from the house tied into it. Likewise the circuits coming into the sub had the grounds tied to this neutral bar. My understanding was that the ground was only to tie to neutral at the main panel where the main panel ground came in. I understood this was to avoid a lower potential ground path through something or someone shorting the circuit and getting fried.

Am I mistaken?

Should I put another bar in the panel to separate the ground wires from the neutrals?

Best Answer

Per PhilippNagel's comment yes, but when feeding to another building some of the rules change. Note the attached: enter image description here

Since you say you have an EGC (ground wire) run from your main building to your sub panel you would be following the rule to Building 2. You need to install a separate ground bus and bond it..

Hope this helps.