Hanging a Tree Swing


I was going to buy a swing for my two boys, each weighing under 100 pounds. I can't imagine more than three of them on the swing, so 250/300 pounds max. This silver maple is the only viable place for me to hang it in my backyard. I was planning on using an single I-bolt, directly through a large branch. Does this photo depiction look safe?

My biggest concern is that silver maples are notorious for having weak crotches that grow at angles, rather than perpendicular to the main trunk; however, I can also find articles that argue these trees get bad reputations based on hearsay more than fact.

See the pink I-bolt in the furthest right branch.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would not use any type of bolt through the branch.

i would use a rope or, better, a strap to make a collar around that branch and another around a branch behind to share the load, which will give ample support. Think of those 2 or 3" wide loading straps and then use a D-link to attach the swing to the strap, that way you won't damage the tree.

You could esily brace to two other branches...

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