Have house flies in the carport


I bought my home in early September 2012. I noticed that flies were flocking around a light in my open air carport whether it was on or off. I tried a few products like fly tape, spray and a fly trap. Still no results. This continued through fall until temps dropped. This Spring I thought I would take preventive measures and cleaned my entire carport with Lysol including my garbage cans which are new. But still flies are flocking around this light. Its strange, they don't land on it that much as if there were some food source. They just fly around it all day until the sun goes down and even then there are a few stragglers. I would say at peak during the day there are about 150 to 200 flies. Why are they attracted to this area and What do I do to get rid of them?

Best Answer

Is it possible that these are not your regular house flies but instead something called a cluster fly?

enter image description here

I've seen these flies make a nuisance of themselves in the ceiling of one house of a friend. He had to get it fumigated. After that, no problems.

Is your carport right next to your house? is the light attached to the carport or to the house? Could there be a little nest in there somewhere?