Heat is not responding to thermostat set temp but comes on when turned off and back on with the thermostat switch


At times during the day my gas burner doesn't try to come back up to the set temperature on the upstairs or downstairs main thermostat.

I'll hit the up button a couple of degrees but no change. Then when I flip the thermostat switch to off and back on again, the unit fires up for heat maybe 10 minutes or so. Sometimes I have to do that twice for it to stay on but it still doesn't get to the set temp. But at 2am its working again correctly.

I've replaced the batteries on them and swapped the thermostats as well. Sometimes it works for days.

Best Answer

Three possibilities...

  1. It's a programmable thermostat and it's programmed incorrectly.
  2. The internal clock is set to the wrong time so the programs change at the wrong times.
  3. It's been zapped with static electricity and needs to be replaced.