Heat loss – hot spots on roof


I purchased a house this summer and am noticing some hot spots on the roof. The old home owner just said they kept the roof shoveled to prevent it from causing ice dams. That is fine and all – but was wondering if any of you might have suggestions on what might be causing it. Seems strange that it is localized directly over a soffit vent. Any ideas? Attached is a picture. Seems like it must be a pretty severe heat loss… But I really have no experience. There is blown in insulation in the attic.
Snow melts20 degrees out

Best Answer

All homes have variation in heat loss. Yours seems to correspond with the soffit vents. It could just be that the additional airflow in that area leads to more melting in marginally cold weather. It doesn't take much heat to melt snow on a 35 degree day.

It could also be that there's another vent directed through the soffit vent. It's all guesswork until you inspect the attic, but I see no reason to be alarmed.