Help identify this cabinet clip used to mount face frame on cabinet


This clip is used to mount a frame around a built-in oven. Some of the clips have broken and I'd love to replace them. The metal piece goes on the frame, with the plastic piece on the cabinet. A corse screw goes through the plastic piece and into the metal piece on the frame.

Any ideas on what these are called or where I can find some replacements? Ideally would be able to find the exact replacements so I don't need to re-measure and align everything again.

This is a clip which is used to put a face frame on a cabinet

Best Answer

Hmm, those were harder to find than expected. It's extremely unlikely that you'll find an exact match (unless you can go back to the manufacturer of your cabinets), but here's a few possibilities.



Lee Valley:,41306,41319&ap=1 (Although these don't look like much, they're extremely solid and set with a satisfying thunk. They'll also come apart without wrecking anything.)