Help with mounting a TV over a window


I would like to mount my television over a window. I identified this mount; Chief OB1U

It looks like it will do the trick, except that the opening of my window is approximately 60" high and the max length of the mount is approximately 66". It needs to be mounted in at least two studs but over the window I understand contains a header and I'm guessing it is taller than the range of the mount.

So my question is, can the header withstand the weight and force from this mount and 75lbs of television?

Here is a picture of the opening I will be placing the tv;

Best Answer

Yes it will not be an issue. The header is almost surely over-sized as it is not designed to just barely support the design weight but rather it is up-sized to the next sized header that is being used on the project. Even if it was a max capacity, 75 lbs is relatively small compared to the amount of load that the header is designed for.