Hints for handling rust in shower drain


I need advice or additional hints on how to handle rust in a shower drain.

Our landlord installed a shower with a shallow drain. The drain is fixed with 3 screws and a big seal that fits the rim of the drain whole above and beneath, consider it U-shaped. I discovered a missing part in the seal, at least on the upper side, and opened dismounted the drain founding rust on the enamel upper side of the shower.

rust on enamel drain

Now I got a new seal and will change the broken one. How should I handle the rust part? I would go with a bit of sandpaper and clean the rust off, but then? Should I use some sort of coating before remounting it with the new seal?

Best Answer

Remove as much of the rust as you can using any of various mechanical methods, then treat it with a chemical rust converter. The rust converter will treat the iron oxides to help prevent future corrosion and will also leave a protective water resistant coating. Try to spread the converter to overlap onto sound areas, and maybe try to use a cotton swab to treat the underside of the lip.

It won't completely stop future rust but it's better than nothing. It dries black so make sure you don't apply it beyond the area covered by the upper flange or it will be ugly.