Hiring an arborist for tree work


I live in Florida and my neighbor has a huge live oak tree. It's beautiful and healthy tree. However, one of the main branch is overextending into my backyard hovering over my sunroom and I want to have it trimmed in case of hurricane damage.

I've decided to hire a tree company to do the work. While the main guy might have proper insurance and worker's comp..I'm worried about the other guys with him. How should I proceed to make sure I'll be protected in case of something goes wrong? Should I request to review each person's insurance and worker's comp coverage? Thanks.

Best Answer

a tree company

That's the key. When you hire a company, you get insurance information from that company. Ask for it. If they are reputable, they will gladly email it to you to seal the deal. I've done this a number of times. Any employees will be covered under the company's insurance policy.

(May vary outside the US, but you said Florida.)