Hoisting and securing 5 gallon bucket vegetable planter 25 feet up


I have a light availability issue in my garden. To compound that it is in a very small area so diseases and pests tend to hit everything at once.

enter image description here

I want to try lifting a couple self watering 5 gallon bucket planters up on a rope I have tied between two trees, at about 25 feet over the ground.

The rope is a nylon / polyester blend rated at 280 lbs and apparently very resistant to weathering, etc. If this works this season I plan to replace this piece with a (much more $$$) metal rope. But for one season I was thinking this should work.

I put some O shaped rings on this line, running from tree to tree, loosely bound in place with a zip tie to prevent it blowing up and down. Through this O ring I threaded a 100 ft piece of paracord rated at 100 lbs. On one end is the bucket. On the other end I pull.

This process turned out to be a LOT more difficult than I expected. I got the bucket about 5 feet in the air and realized I needed to change something.

I am going to try using a pulley on the O-ring instead of just threading it through — I think friction is making me pull harder than I should have to.

I am also planning on tying it down to a heavy-ish log with an anchor screwed into it. What I don't want to happen is for this bucket to come crashing down unexpectedly (it wouldn't kill anyone because it is hanging over the rest of my garden, but it would do a lot of damage); but also I need to raise and lower it on a regular basis to refill the water and harvest whatever from it.

If I am going about this in a foolish way please let me know. I don't have much experience with this sort of thing.

Best Answer

You haven't given yourself a mechanical advantage here. If you attach a pulley to the bucket, then bring the line back up, you will only need to pull half as hard (but the operation will require more rope of course). Yes, reduce friction at the top with a pulley as well, if you can.

enter image description here

Picture stolen shamelessly from the internet