Horizontal Crack in Foundation


I was hoping to get some guidance. I recently purchased a home. During the inspection process, the inspectors put in their report that there was a hairline horizontal crack in the foundation. It was mentioned in their report, however, they told me verbally it was nothing to worry about(and I trusted them šŸ™ ), as there was no signs of shoving or spreading – so the house passed inspection. On the inside, you are not able to stick a dime in the crack, and there are no signs of water seeping in. However, upon closing, I was working around the house, and noticed that the crack is roughly the same height above the floor, and probably goes all the way around the 3 sides of the foundation(4th side is the walk out), the basement is partially finished, so I am not able to see the entire wall to know for 100% sure. On one side, the slope of the ground shows that the crack is visible from the outside. I took a level to the wall, and it SEEMED level, however I am not a contractor. The house was built in 1956, and has a poured basement(as far as I can tell). I am having an SE come look today, however I am curious if any of you have experienced this? I am worried I may have ruined my life financially by buying this house.

Any info will be appreciated. Thanks!

UPDATE: The SE came today, and didn't seem concerned, as the walls showed no signs of shoving, water, and were level. However, I have attached photos. The third photo shows epoxied cracks, and a smaller crack above. From what I understand, this epoxy would have been done 5+ years ago, and has not shown any movement judging by the epoxy. The smaller crack above does not travel any further than that photo, and I plan to epoxy that. The basement is partially finished, so I am not able to see all the way around. If I absolutely had to, I would unfinish the parts needed to make any fixes…I am considering attaching glass to the wall over the crack. That way, If the glass cracks, I know the wall is showing movement. We have got consistent heavy rain in my area recently, and no sign of water seeping through.

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Best Answer

No, no, no, a horizontal crack COMPLETELY THROUGH your foundation wall on 3 sides of your house is not normal and is not acceptable...especially if youā€™re able to stick a dime in the crack...this is not just a ā€œhairlineā€ crack.

Iā€™ve designed hundreds and hundreds of concrete walls, slabs, etc. and NONE have cracked. People who have cracked foundations, slabs, etc. do not understand the difference between reinforcing rebar and temperature steel.

I suspect your problem is one of the following issues

  1. lack of vertical rebar for the load
  2. lack of temperature steel due to thickness of wall
  3. contractor pouring a portion of the foundation wall up a ways (usually about half way) and then when they finish the pour they do not vibrate (consolidate) the two pours together by using a vibrator (contractors call it a stinger). This creates a ā€œcold jointā€ between the two pours.

This allows a small ā€œhairlineā€ crack that can grow due to movement of the building or water penetration into the joint and then freezing and expanding, etc. (if you live in a cold climate, I suspect this is the cause of your problem.)

If the wall is still level, (smart of you to check,) I doubt if itā€™s a structural problem (lack of vertical rebar). and Iā€™d definitely seal the cracks to prevent bugs, water penetrating the crack...freezing and continuing to crack the wall further.