How close can light fixtures be to fire sprinkler heads


I'm planning to add several rows of fluorescent light fixtures in my garage, which has partly recessed fire sprinkler heads. Does code specify how close fixtures can be to the sprinklers?

Common sense says the lights should not block the sprinklers, but I'm not sure how far that really would mean. The light fixtures I would like to use are about 4" tall.

Finally, if surface mounting lights nearby is an issue with code, what about recessed lights?

Best Answer

I was able to track down the relevant code document for residential sprinker installations - it's 2010 NFPA 13D, section, and it's actually viewable online for free if you register your email address. There is a different code for commercial buildings. For this issue at least, the residential requirements are much more strict.

The residential code says pendant sprinklers must be at least 3 ft from obstructions such as ceiling fans and lights (as measured from their centers), or you can use this table which relates A) the distance from the sprinkler to the near edge of the obstruction and B) height of the sprinkler's deflector above the bottom of the obstruction.

              |                  *               *
  sprinkler  -+-      ---        *  obstruction  *
                       B         *               *
                      ---        *****************

              |<----    A   ---->|

---------------    --------------
Distance A (ft)    Maximum B (in)
---------------    --------------
up to 1.5          0
1.5 - 3            1
3 - 4              3
4 - 4.5            5
4.5 - 6            7