How is the house’s foundation constructed


I would have thought I'd be able to do an image search for help figuring this out, but so far I've been unable to put together a set of keywords that looks like my situation.

I have a two-story house with a crawlspace, built in 1985. The foundation, viewed from the outside, is 8×2" bricks. From inside the crawlspace, the foundation is 16×8" cinderblock. The total thickness of the foundation wall seems to be about 7" or 8". For the life of me, I can't figure out how this wall was constructed. Every common brick and cinderblock I see in raw form has 4" and 8" of depth, respectively, meaning this wall should be at least a foot thick. Is one (or both) of the surfaces a facade? What's holding my house up?

Best Answer

Wild guess (without photos):

  • 6" concrete block structure (common for residential foundations--4" is mostly used for a shorty garage wall base and cases where actual brick ledges are present)
  • ~1" thin brick veneer outside

You may also have a 6" foundation that transitions to a 4" block behind a full brick veneer.

You should be able to determine brick thickness at corners or penetrations. That'll tell us a lot.