How long does sealing a driveway take


I've found a number of videos and how-to guides online, but they're all lacking an answer to this basic question: how much time should I budget to do it? The repair work (filling cracks and holes) I'm not so worried about, as that time can be spread over a few days, but for the actual application I get the impression that it's best to do that all at once.

I found an estimate of "1 or 2 hours for an average size driveway", but "average" is a pretty ambiguous term. My driveway is approx. 2500 ft^2, an average driveway might be 400 ft^2 (???), so should I plan on 6-8 hours with 2 people working on it?

Best Answer

6-8 hours with 2 people sounds like it'd be about right to me, but I don't have experience in such things. 2500 ft^2 would definitely be above average in my book, that is like 10 ft wide by 250 ft long. I'd expect that a normal drive way would be 15-20 feet long.