How long to wait for re-painting one side of fence after pressure washing the otherside which is unpainted


It hasn't rained much this summer, and not any in a week. Today, I've prepped (sanded, brushed off, wiped down with a damp sponge) the painted side of a 1×6 cedar privacy fence, which was last painted a couple years ago. Then I used a homeowner-class pressure washer to clean the other side, which is untreated/unpainted roughsawn ceder. Can the painted side be repainted now with latex paint (not stain)? I say yes. Wife says no.

Edit: I think I answered my own question. It is a matter of new paint bonding to old paint. The old paint would be sealing off this bond from any moisture from the pressure washing of the otherside that would over the next week/month raise the moisture content of the wood just under the old paint. She agrees. She treats tonight !

Best Answer

It's my understanding that latex paint bonds well to damp wood. I think you should have no problem with painting now