How much indoor condensation is too much


We recently bought a 1939 wooden house in California. I don't know if the windows are original but they sure aren't new. We're in a pretty mild climate, so we might get a morning frost from time to time but that is as cold as it gets. We keep the thermostat around 63° (17°) during the day and off entirely at night — the sellers' thermostat was broken and wouldn't move off 70° (21℃) so I'm guessing they kept the house a lot warmer.

I've noticed that in the morning all of our windows are fogged. That seems to clear over the day and we don't get pooling or drips. So I'm wondering if we need to do more to reduce the humidity?

I read this question, about exterior condensation:
How much condensation is okay on storm windows?

But I'm concerned about indoor condensation.

Best Answer

If the windows are original to the house and are single pane and not insulated glass units, you are going to have a lot of condensation on the inside on cold days. If it only fogs and don't run off, I consider that normal for non-insulated glass.

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