How secure is a live bamboo fence compare to chain link or barbed wire fences


We're about to start working on securing our house. One thing we know we need on the back part of our property is a fence of some sort. I'm trying to keep costs down but security up. I know that any fence I choose will only delay an intruder from leaving or arriving. I have access to unlimited bamboo from a neighboring farm, so my only cost in a live bamboo fence would be labor in planting it. So, I'd like to know if a live bamboo fence would provide similar security features as other fence styles like barbed wire or chain link.

I already know about the spreading potential of bamboo and it doesn't concern me for the space where I would be planting it.

Best Answer

I came across some of these in New Zealand. About 2 feet thick, and bloody well impenetrable. Also completely unclimbable. You're not stopping a chainsaw, arsonist or bulldozer, but neither is a wood fence.