How to add a barrier with access to roll in and out trash bins in the ‘public’ driveway


I have a driveway that is in the back alley. All of our neighbors have access to the back alley. Also, all of my neighbors have basically built on their property so that they have used up their driveway.

All of our trash cans are also in the back alley. Some neighbors roll their trash cans onto their property.

However, some of my neighbors (I don't know which), always put their trash bins in my driveway. When we first moved here there were SIX trash cans. Only two of them belong to me.

My question is, how do I prevent people from accessing my driveway (it's about 40' wide and 26' deep). I would want to put up a barrier on the 40' span.

+              40'              +
+                               +
+                               +
+                               +
+           drive way           +
+                               +
--------- garage door/wall------+

I don't want to install a fence just yet, I just want a deterrent. But I still need to roll my trash cans in and out of the driveway for trash collection in the alley.

I've moved the bins and also talked to the neighbors but the bins still end up on my property. Or sometimes they will take my bins if they run out of space in their bins.

Best Answer

A few ideas, not knowing what the area really looks like.

  1. Over time seek to identify the various mystery bins and mark them with names or house numbers in permanent ink. When they appear on your property you can either bring it up with your neighbor or ask the local police for help. This may also work through peer pressure. If your neighbors see their names sitting on your property they may be less likely to violate your space. (I find that turning on my hazard flashers is the best way to deal with tailgaters--the unwanted attention very often mitigates the poor behavior.)

  2. Fabricate a temporary gate, such as suspended cables with wire mesh between, that you can install the day before trash day each week and roll up when not needed. Put it up, take it down. Like when training a puppy, your neighbors will become conditioned to do something else.