How to add a service disconnect between main panel breaker and load side

circuit breaker

I am working on a small shop and installed a 30amp plugin type breaker to the main breaker panel.

Now the shop has load of a 230v ac Single phase motor, some lights and outlets.

I wanted to add a disconnect to the 30 amp breaker and my tools (motors,c-outlet,lights) in the shop specifically because the main service panel is a but far for me to got back and forth in case and just for me to work on things without going to the service panel. Can I put a fuse box and just wire up a single fuse to the line side , no fuse on neutral (we have 2 lines, live and neutral wire.) And make the fuse box as a service disconnect.

Knife switch isn't my go, no good for sparks, corrosion as well.

Btw I do have ground, directly into the chassis of the motor.

Best Answer

The electricians will be along shortly. My recommendation would be a "non-fused safety switch" that can be bought at any electrical store, Lowes, Home Depot, or most any hardware type store, as long as you are feeding the power from a circuit breaker from the main panel. You may be better off by running a heavy wire from the main panel breaker and adding a small circuit breaker panel in the shop area that can be further broken down into individual 120/240 volt circuits. You wrote that (we have 2 lines, live and neutral wire) which needs to be better explained since you don't get 240 volts from 1 wire + a neutral. The electricians will explain your needs better than I can.