Exterior Shed – How to Add Corner Trim to a Shed Without Exterior Access


I'd like to build a 10×10 studio shed in the back corner of my lot. I won't have access to two of the walls as they will be inches from structures on the neighbor's lot. I can add exterior siding to the wall, before I raise it – but what can I do about the corner where these two walls join?

My only guess right now is to buy pvc corner trim, add construction adhesive, and then install the corner trim by moving it vertically down from the roof.

The end goal is to have everything watertight. If there is a different way to do this without corner trim, please advise.

Best Answer

I would build the shed on rollers or skids three feet from the neighbors' walls. Finish it completely and properly, then roll or slide it into position, lever it up and slip the timbers out. A 10x10 shed should be very manageable.

Leave any unnecessary interior work for afterwards to keep weight down.