How to add ventilation to the room


My room is 3×5 meters, it doesn't have a ventilation pipe connected to it, so the air becomes close very fast, and to freshen up the room I have to open the window, and it makes my room very cold. Leaving just a crack open doesn't give a lot of fresh air, but makes it cold and still hard to breathe.

Air conditioner doesn't really give me fresh air, instead it just heats or chills the air in the room.

What else is there to try to fix my situation?

My room is in an apartment, heated by central heating battery, only kitchens and bathrooms have ventilation connected to them in the building. Rooms are in their original state. The building is about 50 years old now, it's possible to change room from inside, probably impossible to make a hole to the outside.

Best Answer

Did you replace your original wooden windows with plastic ones? Many old apt buildings relied on imperfections in wooden windows to provide natural ventilation. New windows are more air tight and it probably makes the room stuffy.

Many casement windows have " micro ventilation" feature if you put the handle in a certain position. The leaves the window slightly ajar and provides enough fresh air.

Another option is to install a ventilation system.