How to address a slow garage roof leak


During a recent rain storm, I noticed a very slow drip of water coming from the center of my (external) garage roof in a few places.

enter image description here

After it dried up, I went to inspect the problem spots and found some rotting and could see daylight through some spots where the nails were.

Close to the front there was a significant amount of torn tar paper and it was even completely free in one spot where I could touch the metal ridge cap that sits atop the roof. (Shown below)

enter image description here

From the exterior, there doesn’t appear to be any major damage to my shingles or cap or anything out of the ordinary that I am able to see from ground level.

enter image description here

Also, after a thorough inspection during heavy rain, there were no other areas leaking other than along the general line of the ridge.

Would like to keep my garage from rotting itself from the inside out, and prevent any foundation damage here, so I would like to address this as soon as possible.

What must be done to stop this leak?

Best Answer

The ridge vent can allow driving rain in, but for it to be showing water damage, it would have to be getting in during nearly every single rain. Is this area of the garage perhaps where the driving rain comes in or is there possibly something that cannot be seen in the pictures that would be directing more than normal water in?

I don't think the tar paper is supposed to bridge the ridge like yours is. I can't seem to find an install guide online at the moment, but last time I installed ridge vent, we did not have tar paper across the opening and the roof has no water. I wonder if the water is getting on the tar paper and is getting through a nail hole causing this issue.