How to anchor something in the gaps between the bricks or rocks of a fireplace without damaging the masonry


I want to hang fireplace tools next to my fireplace without damaging the stone work. I don't want to drill into it.

The stones have mortar between them with gaps about half an inch wide:

enter image description here

I have nearly half an inch of depth to work with:
enter image description here

I would like to be able to put some sort of tension screw between those rocks that I could then hang something on. My plan is to use two such locations and use them to anchor a row of hooks on a board. All in all, it would have to hold about 20 pounds of fireplace tools.

Despite spending a bunch of time on Google, I wasn't able to find any hardware that would suit my needs. The closest I could come up with are "cap nuts" which I might be able to tighten in place if I put something rubbery on the end first:

What kind of hardware should I be looking for and how does it work?

Best Answer

Adding an answer because it would have been quite a long comment...

I knew I had seen "brick clips" before, but I'm not sure either style would work for you.

This kind is made to "hug" the top and bottom of a standard brick, so probably will not work for you, but at least you know it's available...

Brick Clip

There's also this style that has little "ears" that you use to wedge it into the horzontal mortar lines. These could work, but I'm not sure they will support the weight of tools, and may easily pull out. I've only seen them used for Christmas decorations.

Mortar clip

My goal here is to show you what I've seen, so maybe you can use them as search points for something that will work.