How to attach a blind to a wall when I need extra clearance


I recently bought a Venetian blind, which comes with 3 mounting brackets. My plan is to screw these to the wooden window frame.

The issue is that the glass panel has been replaced by double glazing a few years back, and it protrudes 1 cm inwards.

The net effect is that I need my brackets to have an extra 1cm clearing from the frame. My plan was to buy 1cm thick softwood blocks and attach the brackets to the wall with the softwood in between to give me the extra clearance. Am I doing the right thing here? Is there a better way to do this?

Best Answer

This may be barely more than a suggestion but I'll post it as an answer.

Rather than make little 1cm blocks, I'd use a strip of wood about 1cm x 2cm the same length as the blind's width. You could buy a piece of molding or trim that's right, or rip a strip off a scrap of wood, or etc.

This way you can attach that strip to the frame at spots that aren't right behind the mounting brackets for the blind, and the screws won't interfere with one another. Plus it will be quite a bit stronger and probably a better finished appearance.