How to attach a safety gate at the bottom of the stairs


I have a wall on one side with trim molding at baseboard and opposite end is the wooden banister. What type of gate can I attach. The drywall is not holding the screws in place and we we frequently open and close the gate. I have regalo gate that I re-purposed but it keeps falling off the drywall. The stud is a little fruther away from where I want the gate on the wall, if I fix it to the stud in the drywall, the gate would be at an angle to the wooden banister.

Best Answer

Could you attach a board to the wall, that spans the distance between the stud, and your ideal hinge location for the baby gate? For an example of what I'm talking about-- as well as plans for a cool parallelogram baby gate-- see the following: (Note I am not talking about the gate at the top of the stairs, that you see at the top of the linked page, but rather the gate at the bottom of the stairs.)